Participating Artists

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Uluru: Rural soul

Steve Cant
35mm x 105mm x 105mm  /  
3D Works

This artwork is available for purchase. Please contact the exhibiting gallery for details

This hand carved Uluru from native Gidgee timber captures the essence of rural Australian life and an appreciation of the great monolith at the heart of this country. Just as we are moulded by the harsh environment, isolation and time, Uluru stands as a testimony of Australian rural life with a rugged yet complex beauty. Gidgee is one of the hardest timbers in the world having a hardness similar to that of sandstone and the piece is displayed atop a base similar to the Japanese Suiseki rock appreciation art form. 

Curator’s Comment
This work reveals an engaging narrative which is well articulated and is connected to the theme. There are several cultural contexts and traditions referenced in the artwork statement (e.g., First Nations Australian and Japanese tradition), and it would be interesting to explore the artist’s connection to these. The work itself is intimate – unassuming yet powerful. It is of a high standard technically and in terms of professional finish. 

About the artist

Steve Cant enjoys working with recycled and reclaimed wood for its unique features, colours and patterns of the grain. Cant enjoys the process of uncovering the complexity within each piece by letting the grain guide the art direction as much as possible.